The Faroese Safety Authority
The Faroese Safety Authority is a regulatory and advisory agency under the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Justice in the Faroe Islands. In matters related to the organization of preparedness, the authority refers to the Ministry of Justice. In other matters, the authority refers to the Ministry of the Environment.
The Faroese Safety Authority is headed by a Director General, and organized into three departments:
- The Department for Technical Saftey
- The Department of Public Safety
- The Department of Legal Affairs and Authorization
The authority was established in 2017 as a result of a merger between the Faroese labor inspectorate, the Faroese fire inspectorate and the Faroese emergency management agency
The authority's overall area of responsibility
The authority is the Faroese government authority responsible for:
- Preparedness planning and national contingency
- Occupational safety
- Electrical safety
- Measurement and weight (metrology)
- Hazardous chemicals and dangerous work
- Explosives
- Fireworks
- Smoke-free environment
The main tasks of the Faroese Safety Authority are to continually improve safety and occupational conditions in the areas it oversees. To achieve these goals, the authority conducts inspections, provides guidance to stakeholders, and investigates unwanted events, such as serious workplace accidents.
The authority is also responsible for the Faroese national nuclear contingency plan.
The Faroese Safety Authority provides advice to the Faroese government within the authority’s area of responsibility.
Prevention and Preparedness
The Faroese Safety Authority works to prepare society for and prevent crises, accidents and disasters.
- Analysis, data and research. Analysis, data and research to strengthen and guide the development of - in particular- the fire and rescue services.
- Fire prevention. Regulations and campaigns to reduce the risk of fires in homes, institutions and the commercial sector.
- Nuclear emergency management. Emergency planning, monitoring and forecasting in case of radioactive contamination.
- Resilience and contingency planning. Development of the national system for crisis and emergency management, including through national emergency exercices. Review of the contingency plans of state agencies.
- Supervision of the municipal fire and rescue services. Supervision and support of the municipal fire and rescue services, including in planning and assessing local risks.
- Transportation of dangerous goods. Advice and administration of the regulations on the transportation of dangerous goods (ADR).
Payment Information
Payment Information:
- Company ID: 422061
- Company Registration Number: 125920
- EAN Number: 5797100000331
- Bank Account Number: 6460-5673986
Invoice Address for the Faroese Safety Authority:
Faroese Safety Authority
c/o Faroese Payment Office
Traðargøta 39
160 Argir
Contact information for the Faroese Safety Authority
Faroese Safety Authority
undir Bryggjubakka 27
FO-100 Tórhavn
Faroe Islands
+298 66 44 00